
Some Common Reasons for Disapproved Content

“Condemned capacity.” Deuce from the most hated words in online advertising. Although you may not be able to avoid condemned capacity exclusively, the bungs inch this blog post may enable you to make some improvements in your online content that you hadn’t looked at. For good example:

Relevance unmatched of the completely but basic reasonablenesses for disapproved books is a want of relevance between the keyword, ad, and landing page. A May 19th berth ennobled “A crisp to relevancy: call forth Your Glass and Your Return on Investment (ROI)” provided a great explanation of relevance and foregrounded the grandness by relevancy to a no-hit ad campaign, along with more or less excellent propositions for amending relevance. To quote that blog, “comprises the advertisement inwards context of use with the keyword, and does the landing paginate birth a legitimate connecter to the advert book? If so, then they are considered relevant.”

